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Research Projects

Developed acting and online planning algorithms for dynamic environments in which both planning  (coming up with a strategy to accomplish a task) and acting (carrying out actions in the real world) use the same hierarchical operational models. This has several benefits with respect to consistency verification of the different models and closed-loop online decision-making.  Developed simulated test domains to evaluate the performance of the algorithms in terms of three newly designed metrics: efficiency, retry ratio, and success ratio to evaluate acting and planning systems.

Selected Publications (For full list, please see this link):

(6) Sunandita Patra, M Ghallab, D Nau, P Traverso. Acting and Planning Using Operational Models. AAAI. 2019.

(5) R Li, Sunandita Patra, DS Nau. Decentralized Refinement Planning and Acting. ICAPS. 2021.

(4) Y Bansod, Sunandita Patra, D Nau, M Roberts. HTN Replanning from the Middle. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings 35. 2022.
(3) Sunandita Patra, P
Traverso, M Ghallab, D Nau. Coordination and Control of Hierarchically Organized Interacting Agents. 34th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-34). 2021.

(2) D Nau, Y Bansod, Sunandita Patra, M Roberts, R Li. GTPyhop: A hierarchical goal+ task planner implemented in Python. ICAPS Workshop on Hierarchical Planning (HPlan). 2021.

(1) Sunandita Patra, Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau, Paolo Traverso. APE: An Acting and Planning Engine. Journal of Advances in Cognitive Systems. Volume 7. 2018.

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Integration of acting and planning (2015 - current)
At University of Maryland, College Park in collaboration with LAAS-CNRS, France, FBK, Italy and Naval Research Labs, USA

Integration of acting, planning and machine learning (2019 - current)

At University of Maryland, College Park in collaboration with LAAS-CNRS, France, FBK, Italy and Naval Research Labs, USA

Integrated machine learning with online acting and planning to learn: (a) the optimal operational model to accomplish a task; (b) a domain-independent heuristic for our hierarchical operational models, using multi-layered perceptrons.

Developed a goal-biased curriculum for temporal goal networks in dynamic environments in which hierarchical planning and reinforcement learning are combined online, using a hierarchical goal network formalism.

Selected Publications (For full list, please see this link):

(4) Sunandita Patra, J Mason, M Ghallab, D Nau, P Traverso. Deliberative acting, planning and learning with hierarchical operational models. Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ), Volume 299. 2021.

(3) Sunandita Patra, J Mason, A Kumar, M Ghallab, P Traverso, D Nau. Integrating Acting, Planning and Learning in Hierarchical Operational Models. ICAPS. 2020. Best Student Paper Honorable Mention Award at ICAPS.

(2) Sunandita Patra, M Cavolowsky, O Kulaksizoglu, R Li, L Hiatt, M Roberts, D Nau. A Hierarchical Goal-Biased Curriculum for Training Reinforcement Learning. The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings 35. 2022.

(1) Sunandita Patra. Acting, Planning, and Learning Using Hierarchical Operational Models. PhD Thesis at University of Maryland, College Park. 2020.

AI in finance (2021 - current)
At JPMorgan AI Research

Working in the integration of planning, acting and learning, and applications of AI in finance. Developed a framework to solve financial trading problems (asset allocation and trade execution) using AI planning and reinforcement learning algorithm. For more details, please see the video below:

Selected Publications (For full list, please see this link):

(2) Sunandita Patra, M Mahfouz, S Gopalakrishnan, D Magazzeni, M Veloso. FinRDDL: Can AIPlanning be used for Quantitative Finance Problems? ICAPS Financial Planning Workshop (FinPlan).2023.

(1) M Mahfouz, S Gopalakrishnan, M Suau, Sunandita Patra, D Mandic, D Magazzeni, M Veloso.Towards Asset Allocation Using Behavioural Cloning and Reinforcement Learning. AAAI Bridge: AI for Financial Services. 2023.

Acting and planning for network security (2019 - 2021)
At University of Maryland, College Park in collaboration with Naval Research Labs, USA

Worked in a research collaboration with the Naval Research Labs to use our refinement acting engine and online planner to defend software-defined networks against high-volume fast-paced incoming attacks.

Selected Publications (For full list, please see this link):

(2) A Velazquez, B Montrose, M Li, J Luo, M Kang, Sunandita Patra, D Nau. ACRS4SDN: An Autonomous Cyber Response System for Software-Defined Networks. Naval Research LaboratoryTechnical Report. 2022.

(1) Sunandita Patra, A Velazquez, M Kang, D Nau. Using online planning and acting to recover from cyberattacks on software-defined networks. AAAI. 2021.

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Search and Optimization (2013 - current)
At JPMorgan AI Research, University of Maryland, College Park, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,
TU Munich, Germany

 I have worked on several projects related to heuristic search and optimization. I mention three of them here:


(3) Developed a scheduling algorithm to optimize the conflicting objectives of cost and quality of service of jobs with uncertain duration and resource usage on JPMorgan’s grid compute cluster.

(2) Developed efficient anytime algorithms for multi-objective optimization which incrementally explores the state space with given contracts (intervals for reporting), works without restarting, and dynamically adapts for the next iteration. 

(1) Designed and implemented algorithms for co-design of controller and scheduler parameters for embedded systems with multiple control loops and a hierarchical scheduler, by calculating optimal delays in each control application.

Selected Publications (For full list, please see this link):

(3) Sunandita Patra. Anytime Multi-Objective Optimization and Co-design of Controller and Scheduler for Optimal Control Performance. Master's Thesis at IIT Kharagpur. 2014.
(2) Sunandita Patra. Anytime Contract Heuristic Search Methods for Single and Bi-Objective Optimization Problems. Bachelors Thesis at IIT Kharagpur. 2013.
(1) Sunandita Patra, SG Vadlamudi, PP Chakrabarti. Anytime contract search. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems. Springer. 2013.

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Selected Publications 
(For full list, please see this link):

[9] Sunandita Patra, Mahmoud Mahfouz, Sriram Gopalakrishnan, Danilo Mandic, Daniele Magazzeni, Manuela Veloso. FinRDDL: Can AI Planning be used for Financial Trading Problems? ICAPS Financial Planning (FinPlan) Workshop. 2023.

[8] Sunandita Patra, Mark Cavolowsky, Onur Kulaksizoglu, Ruoxi Li, Laura Hiatt, Mark Roberts, Dana Nau. A Hierarchical Goal-Biased Curriculum for Training Reinforcement Learning. FLAIRS. 2022. [paper]

[7] Sunandita Patra, James Mason, Malik Ghallab, Paolo Traverso, Dana Nau.  Deliberative Acting, Online Planning and Learning with Hierarchical Operational Models. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ). 2021. [paper]

[6] Ruoxi Li, Sunandita Patra, Dana Nau. Decentralized Refinement Planning and Acting. ICAPS 2021. [paper]

[5] Sunandita Patra, Alex Velazquez, Myong Kang, Dana Nau.  Using Online Planning and Acting to Recover from Cyberattacks on Software-defined Networks. IAAI 2021. [paper][poster]

[4] Sunandita Patra, James Mason, Amit Kumar, Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau, Paolo Traverso.  Integrating Acting, Planning, and Learning in Hierarchical Operational Models. ICAPS 2020. Best Student Paper Honorable Mention Award. [paper][poster]


[3] Sunandita Patra, Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau, Paolo Traverso. Acting and Planning Using Operational Models. AAAI 2019. [paper][poster]

[2] Sunandita Patra, Malik Ghallab, Dana Nau and Paolo Traverso. APE: An Acting and Planning Engine. Journal of Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2018. [paper]

[1] Sunandita Patra, Satya Gautam Vadlamudi, and Partha Pratim Chakrabarti. Anytime contract search. SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence  2013. [paper]



Professional Activities

Invited Talks:

Nov 2022 DFKI, Germany

May 2021 JPMorgan AI Research, USA

Jun 2021 Xerox PARC, USA

May 2021 Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA JPL), USA [slides]

Dec 2020 Naval Warfare Center, USA [slides]

Oct 2020 Summer School at ICAPS Conference (International) [video]


• ICAPS Conference (2021 - current)
• ECAI Conference (2023 - current)
• FLAIRS Conference (2021 - current)
• ICAPS Hierarchical Planning Workshop (2020 - current)
• ICAPS Integrated Acting, Planning and Execution Workshop (2020 - current)
• ICAPS Workshop on International Planning Competition (WIPC) (2021)
• MACH (Machine Learning Journal, Springer) (2021)
• Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) (2020)



• ICAPS Workshop on Integrated Acting, Planning and Execution (2021 - current)

Student Mentoring:

• Miguel Suau for internship (JPMorgan & Chase, 2022)
• Zachary Oshodi for internship
(JPMorgan & Chase, 2022)
• Ruoxi Li for Master’s Thesis and PhD research (University of Maryland, College Park, 2018-21)
• Onur Kulaksizoglu for Master’s Thesis (University of Maryland, College Park, 2020-21)
• Mark Cavolowsky for PhD research (University of Maryland, College Park, 2020-21)
• Yash Bansod for Master’s Thesis (University of Maryland, College Park, 2020-21)
• James Mason for Bachelor’s Honors Thesis (University of Maryland, College Park, 2018-19)

Honors and Awards

2020 Received Best Student Paper Honorable Mention Award at ICAPS Conference
2019 Received the AAAI student travel scholarship
2018 Got accepted for the French-American Doctoral Exchange Program (FADEx), France
2018 Received the Goldhaber Travel Grant at University of Maryland, USA
2016 Received University of Maryland Dean’s Fellowship, USA
2015 Received University of Maryland Dean’s Fellowship, USA
2013 DAAD-WISE (Working Internships in Science and Engineering) scholarship, Germany
2012 Goralal Syngal Scholarship (for being one the best CGPA holders), IIT Kharagpur
2011 Goralal Syngal Scholarship (for being one the best CGPA holders), IIT Kharagpur
2009 Cleared IIT-Joint Entrance Examination with an All India Rank of 1264, India
2009 Cleared All India Entrance Examination (written & interview) for admission to Indian Statistical Institute, India
2007 Cleared Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO), attended Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) training camp at ISI Kolkata, India

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